2021 Halloween Party (Online)

19 individuals/families joined us for some Halloween themed fun. The event started with a Halloween quiz. We then split into groups. Those less confident with their AAC took part in a spell making activity. Those more confident had the opportunity to share news and chat. The event ended with a Halloween themed game of Rock and Roll Bingo and DJ Oli even provided us with an after party filled with spooky tunes. We would like to thank all the trustees and volunteers who helped run the event.

Spell Making

The small groups worked together to write spells. The spells were very varied and ranged from mending computers and making lots of pizzas, to making people invisible, able to fly or turning them into giants or bats! The young people were able to use their own methods of communication to contribute ideas or were able to use the Widgit communication boards or the spell making Grid set which were prepared in advance to support the activity. Here are some of the spells that were written.

Spell 1

Spell 2

Why not have a go at making your own spells? Here are the resources we made for the spell writing activity.

Spell starter - Widgit software

Spell vocabulary - Widgit software

Halloween Grid set - Grid 3 software (download the file and then add the Grid set file to your user account)

Chat Group

It was lovely to catch up with everyone's news. Jemima shared her poetry and transported us all into a lovely world of imagery and emotions and left us all wanting to eat ice cream. Eva shared her exciting news about having a unique voice created. Lana shared that she is having one created too at National Star. It was lovely to meet Jess and Samuel who were attending their first 1Voice event. Jess was keen to know what the group was about everyone was happy to tell her more. We are looking forward to the next event already.


Getting started with AAC?


Dream Holidays virtual event (June 2021)