1Voice Christmas Party 2022
It was really nice to see everyone at this year’s online Christmas party. Over 25 individuals/families joined us for the event. For some, this was their first 1Voice event and we hope they felt welcome.
This is only a few of those that attended as we fitted on two screens!
The event began with a game of Christmas party Rock n’ Roll bingo to get everyone in the party spirit. As well as playing the music tracks, we created a visual presentation of Widget symbols to help people identify the track and artist. Some of these were good fun!
Can you guess the song? Saturday night by Whigfield!!
We then split into groups based on broad geographical location. This gave people an opportunity to chat and discuss what they would like from local branches / events in the New Year.
Map showing the geographical location of attendees.
We then came back together for a Christmas dance led by one of our role models, Jodie.
The event ended with a Christmas disco by everyone’s favourite DJ, DJ Oli.
Merry Christmas everyone!